Essay on Technology


List of Essays on Technology

Essay on Technology – For School Students (Class 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard) (Essay 1 – 600+ Words)


Technology is basically the way we execute the discoveries of science and blend it with our own needs. Technology is a general term used to refer to the different tools, machines and equipment we use in everyday life. These tools and equipment have been invented by man to make the tasks faster, easier and more comfortable.

Advancements of Technology :Since the invention of the wheel to the use of microchips in computers and mobiles, technology has come a long way. The man has reached the moon and explored the outer space just because of the advancement in the aeronautics field. Even in primitive occupations such as agriculture, there have been so many technological advancements with modern tools such as traction engine and steam tractor technology which has helped us make progress.

Prominent Examples:

Although there have been countless examples where technology has changed our lives, there are some which are considered as revolutions for mankind. The technology used in the field of robotics in one such fine example. Nowadays robots are being used by people and industries all over the world for various purposes. They are also used in places which are otherwise considered harmful for humans thereby protecting us. One such area is the cleaning and managing of radioactive waste.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another field which is a classic example of the technological advancements man has achieved. Who could have imagined that a machine would be capable of thinking like us? That is what AI has been successful in doing. It is an intelligent machine capable of behaving like us. It can do activities such as problem-solving, planning, learning and even reasoning. Today AI is used in all major areas such as warfare, security, healthcare and communication. On top of this, it is far more efficient than us and has a lower rate of error.

Importance of Technology:

Technology has its own importance in our lives. Without technological advancements, our lives would not have been simpler and faster. The modernization that the world is witnessing today has all been possible because of the technological developments in different fields. Moreover, it has helped in reducing the risks people had to undertake in many sectors such as mining. With new tools available, the tasks are less risky and are more efficient as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Essay on Technology – For College and University Students (Essay 2 – 750 Words)


Technology can be said to be basically application of information for the building and development of devices and equipment that can be used in a lot of different ways. Today, technology is now a very integral part of the day-to-day life for each and every one of us. Even though technology has gone a very long way in making life more convenient for every one of us, technology has also brought along a variety of negative effects that we cannot overlook. Discussed here are some of the many ways in which our lives has been impacted by technology and how we can find the right balance for us to be able to overcome the different negative effects of technology.

Invention of Technology:

Technology is as old as life itself. At every point of our civilization as humans, we have always had different forms of technology so it would not be possible to point out the exact invention of technology.

Advantages of Technology:

All of the things that we make use of daily including internet connection, lamps, cars, air conditioners, phones, laptops, bikes, refrigerators and even gas stoves are all products of technology. Technology has made our life easier and smoother. We can get everything just by a single click of our fingers.

Addiction to Technology:

It is fine if we technology to improve our life and how we live our lives. The problem however lies with addiction to the various technological devices that we use in making our lives better and this addiction can be very disastrous. Today, we have gone so deep into the use of technology that every one of us is busy glued to various technologies and devices today. A very good example is our cell phones, no matter where you go, you will find people busy focused on their phones even when it is not safe for them to do so like while walking on the road, driving a car, or even operating a heavy machinery at work.

Some people are addicted to televisions and they cannot afford to miss an episode of their favorite programmers even when they have more important things to do at that time. Another one is that a lot of people cannot go the shortest distance without using a car, even when it is healthy to walk a few times. As a result of this, we live in a generation where a lot of us are not fit and many are suffering from obesity as a result of their apparent lack of physical exercise.

Negative Effects of Technology:

Addiction to technology has a lot of negative effects on us both mentally and physically.

Some of them are discussed below:

i. As a result of using technology, there has been an increase that is drastic in the pollution of our environment and this has led to a variety of different health problems, global warming and the depletion of our various natural resources.

ii. Because of the abundance of entertainment provided by technology in our homes, people are not seeing any reason why they should go out and enjoy nature. Today, most people especially kids would rather stay indoors than go outside and get involved in different outdoor activities. As a result of this, different health problems like stress; sleeping habits that are poor and obesity are now very rampant.

    iii. Today while being too taken to technology, a lot of young people have developed social isolation which usually results in a lack of the much needed social skills to survive in life. Using technology to the extreme mixed with a life that is socially isolated can end up in depression.

Finding the Right Balance between Nature and Technology:

It is usually hard for a lot of people to find the right balance between nature and technology. There are some people that have become so addicted to technology and the way of life that technology brings that such people have totally forgotten how life is with nature. Also there are some people that have refused to accept technology and are stuck   with old ways which makes them to live a life that is not up to standard.

Finding the right balance means living both forms of life moderately without going overboard in any one. Doing this will go a very long way in living a life that is both easy (through technological advancements) and healthy (through nature), it is important that we find the right balance between nature and technology.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Conclusion:

Technology can be said to be very addictive as a result of its convenience and the easy comfort sources accompanied with entertainment that it offers. It is however important that one tries to find a balance between nature and technology and not get too much of technology. If one can do this, it is sure that one’s life will change for a better and one would be able to live a life that is happy and free of stress and depression.                


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